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Why 10 Minutes Of Suryanamaskara Is Most Beneficial In Yoga Therapy?

22 May 2023

Surya or the sun has always been a sign of spirituality. People have always been given significance for energy and spirituality. In the best yoga therapy, the sun is always given a lot of importance. Surya Namaskar is one of the most important yoga that everyone from beginner to advanced should do.

Surya Namaskar has a lot of benefits that can better your health. It is basically a full-body workout that has a lot of steps to complete it. Many yoga teachers in India recommend all yoga enthusiasts do Surya Namaskar for at least 10 minutes early in the morning.

There are several steps to Surya Namaskar:

  • Pranamasana (Prayer pose)
  • Hastauttanasana (Raised arms pose)
  • Hastapadasana (Standing forward bend)
  • Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)
  • Dandasana (Stick pose)
  • Ashtanga Namaskara (Salute with eight parts or points)
  • Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)
  • Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward facing dog pose)
  • Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)
  • Hastapadasana (Standing forward bend)
  • Hastauttanasana (Raised arms pose)
  • Tadasana

One of the benefits of doing this Asana for 10 minutes every day is that it gives you discipline in life. Every one of us has an erratic schedule, irrespective of what work we do. We stay glued to many types of screens the whole day. Whether it’s board meetings you need to attend or back-to-back classes you need to attend, keeping up with our schedules can become difficult if there is no discipline. Devoting your time for 10 minutes every day for doing this asana can give you a lot of discipline in your life.

Another biggest benefit is the full body workout you will get by doing only Surya Namaskar. There are statistics where it was measured that if you do weightlifting for half hour, you will burn 199 calories. Tennis will burn 232 calories, football will burn 298 calories and rock climbing around 364 calories. Running, on the other hand, will burn 414 calories. The fascinating thing is, if you do Surya Namaskar for 30 minutes for half an hour you will burn 417 calories.

So, doing only 10 minutes of Surya Namaskar will help you burn 139 calories. Apart from burning calories, you will be able to get other health benefits. It will bring your blood sugar level down. Surya Namaskar will not only improve metabolism but also regulate your blood circulation. If you are a woman, doing Surya Namaskar during your yoga therapy is a must as it will help with your menstrual cycle. You will also get glowing skin naturally.

Even if you are unable to do Yoga therapy every day, try to make your schedule such that you will be able to give at least 10 minutes for Surya Namaskar. If you are interested in learning yoga on a deeper level, you can join the yoga teacher training certification course in India. This will help you not only learn how to do Surya Namaskar but also teach the importance of yoga in our daily life.

So, start doing Surya Namaskar today.

Yoga & Happiness is an institute for Yoga Aspirant who wish to build true knowledge and its understanding. Professional Certification By YCB, Ministry of AYUSH(Govt. of India) and Indian Yoga Association (IYA)

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